THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsSeventh Sunday after Pentecost16 July 2023 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends in Christ,
Jesus taught the Apostles that they should not pray, give alms, or fast before other men as hypocrites do. To let them know that all these things can be done out of hypocrisy, He says in today's Gospel reading, "Beware of false prophets."
Saint John Chrysostom wrote: "The Lord, therefore, knowing that there would be false teachers, warns them of the various heresies to come, by saying: 'Beware of false prophets.' And as these would not be obvious unbelievers, but persons cloaked with the name of Christian, He did not say: Look well at them, but, Beware. For where a thing is certain, it is seen; that is, it may readily be seen. But when it is uncertain, it is looked at or watched carefully. And again, He says, Beware: for to know whom to shun is a firm safeguard of security. He does not warn us to beware as though the devil will introduce heresies against God's will and not by His permission. For since He will not choose His servants without trial, He permits them to be tempted. And as He wills that they should not suffer through ignorance, He, therefore, warns them."
"And so that no heretical teacher may say, that He did not say here they were the false prophets, but rather the teachers from both Gentiles and Jews, He goes on to add: 'Who come to you in the clothing of sheep.' For Christians are spoken of as sheep, and the sheep's clothing is their outward pretense of Christianity and pretended religion. There is nothing that so menaces what is good as pretense. For the evil that is hidden under the outward appearance of Good is not guarded against since it is not known."
"And that heretics may not here say that He is speaking of those who are true teachers, but also sinners; He adds this: 'But inwardly they are ravening wolves.' Catholic teachers, though they may have been sinners, are not spoken of as ravening wolves but as servants of the flesh: for they do not seek to destroy Christians. He therefore is manifestly speaking of heretical teachers: for it is to this end that they put on the garb of Christian; that they may rend Christians with the evil fangs of their seductions. And of these the Apostles said: 'I know that after my departure, ravening wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock' (Acts 20, 29)."
These false teachers are often like chameleons. We hear some truth from them when surrounded by those who want the truth, but we will likewise hear them preach innovative doctrines (heresies) when they are in the company of those looking for some other way to Heaven. The proper way to Heaven that Jesus showed us demands self-denial. We are called upon to deny ourselves daily and take up our crosses to follow Him. This way is unacceptable to many. Therefore, false teachers arise to feed them the false doctrines that they are so eager to receive. The false doctrines can often be spotted in the coddling of our bodies "eat, drink, and be merry pursue pleasure because God wants us to be happy." The false doctrine is also cloaked under a false humility "all our works are nothing when we consider the works of God, so it would be prideful to think that we can do something good." Some even teach that "Since God is so good, there cannot be a Hell." "There are no sins, only weaknesses, so there is no need for Confession or Penance." False teachers present the Modernist "Mass" that celebrates a meal or supper to replace the Sacrifice of the Mass because embracing food and eating is more effortless than embracing the Cross with self-denial and sacrifice. The fruits of self-indulgence are usually easily discerned if we are observant.
Today, there appears to be an ever-increasing resurfacing of the false doctrines of the Protestant revolutionaries. The condemnation of these errors has already been made clear by the Council of Trent. Converts from Protestantism often see and are aware of these false teachers and teachings much more quickly than long-time Catholics who have grown careless in faith, dogma, and morals. Many lax Catholics were duped by the "New Order Mass," whereas converts easily observed that the "New Mass" was completely compatible with false Protestant theology. The performance of a mutilated "Mass" of the Council of Trent by invalid priests has become our modern false prophet or wolf in sheep's clothing. It panders to our flesh and fallen natures rather than encourages us to lovingly accept and embrace sacrifice with and in imitation of Jesus Christ. Jesus warns us that we must not be careless or indifferent; we must Beware!
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!
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